Filling in your employee file in Excel can be tricky with all the possible input formats. To make sure you import the right data into the platform, here are the standards to observe when filling in your employee file in Excel.
In this article :
Contact information
🪪 First & Last name
This one is pretty straightforward: you can simply enter the first and last names of the employees.
💡Pro tip: for an easier to update database, we recommend you choose a typography and stick to it (with or without accents, all capitalized last names or just the first letter, etc.).
🔥 Active employee
This is a special Boolean filter (yes/no). To fill it in, here are the possible values:
Active | present | présent | actif | active | true | yes | 1 | oui | on | ok | y |
Inactive | absent | inactive | inactif | false | no | 0 | non | off | ko | n |
ℹ️ This information is mandatory. Therefore, it is not possible to leave the value empty.
💌 Email & identifier
Make sure to fill in emails and personal identifiers (matricules) without accents, apostrophes or spaces.
Accepted characters for identifiers are: numbers, letters, dashes "-", underscores "_".
Exemples | ✅ | ❌ |
Identifier | FR-36001 | FR 36001 |
☎️ Phone number
All phone number formats are supported! Just be sure to include the country prefix for non-French phone numbers.
Phone number | 0612345678 | 06 12 34 56 78 | | +33 6 12 34 56 78 | |
ℹ️ If you plan to use your employees' personal numbers, remember to collect their consent first.
⚠️ Warning: you will need to collect a unique number per employee. The solution does not work for shared phone numbers (on-call phone, etc.). If several team members share the same phone number, the person holding the phone at the time of the survey launch will receive everyone's text messages. This could result in the employee answering for their colleagues.
📣 Language
Languages must be filled in according to the following standards:
arabic | ar | arabic | arabe |
chinese | zh | chinese | chinois |
czech | cs | czech | tcheque | tchèque |
danish | da | danish | danois |
dutch | nl | dutch | neerlandais | néerlandais |
english | en | english | anglais |
french | fr | french | francais | français |
german | de | german | deutsch | allemand |
greek | gr | el | greek | grec |
hindi | hi | hindi |
hungarian | hu | hungarian | hongrois |
italian | it | italian | italien |
japanese | ja | japanese | japonais |
polish | pl | polish | polonais |
portuguese | pt | portuguese | portugais |
romanian | ro | romanian | roumain |
russian | ru | russian | russe |
spanish | es | spanish | espagnol | español |
swedish | sv | swedish | suédois |
turkish | tr | turkish | turc |
ukrainian | uk | ukrainian | ukrainien |
chinois traditionnel | zh_tw | chinois traditionnel |
portugais brésilien | pt_br | Portugais brésilien |
Analysis filters
Text filters are unrestricted. They only need to have values that don't exceed 255 characters.
⚠️ The platform is case-sensitiveBe careful to always fill in your values in the same way because the platform is case sensitive (upper case, lower case, accents, spaces...): two different typographies for the same value will lead to the creation of two different values – and possibly a split in your results.
“team” ≠ “Team” ≠ “TEAM” ≠ “TEAM ” |
For Boolean filters (yes/no), you can use these values:
Yes | oui | yes | ok | true | 1 |
No | non | no | false | 0 |
Ø | empty cell |
💡 Pro tip: If you want to compare the results of the "Yes" employees with the rest of the population, remember to disassociate the other employees with the "No" value.
🌍 Country
The supported formats for the Country filter are:
english (ex: United States of America)
french (ex: États-Unis d'Amérique)
ISO Alpha-2 ou Alpha-3 codes (ex : US or USA)
🚻 Gender
This is a list filter, for which the platform offers 3 options:
Female | female | woman | femme | féminin | feminin | f | w |
Male | male | man | homme | masculin | m | h |
Ø | empty cell |
📅 Dates
There are only two possible dated filters on the platform - date of birth and start date. To fill them in, here are the valid formats:
Date | (little-endian) dd-mm-yyyy OR dd/mm/yyyy |
(big-endian) yyyy-mm-dd |
💡 Pro tip: in your Excel file, select the column and right click > "Cell Format". From there, you can set the date format for all values in the column.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know at [email protected]. We will be happy to help you. 💁♀️