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Preparatory questions
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a week ago

Before taking the first step, it is advisable to define a deployment strategy with clear objectives and success metrics. Your Account Manager will guide you on this during your introductory meeting.
In the meantime, here are some questions to ask yourself to be prepared. 👇

Setting up Supermood

  • Who are the project stakeholders and how are they involved in the roll-out?

  • Do you already have access to your employee database (the list of employees and segmentation criteria)? Where does this database come from (HRIS, payroll software, etc.)? Do you have several databases that need to be compiled?

  • Who will be responsible for updating your employee database? Do you need the help of several regional referents?

  • What communication channels do you use to communicate with employees?

  • When do you plan to launch the first survey?

  • Would you like to order a report for the presentation of your results? What are your deadlines for the report?

  • When and how do you want to involve managers in the Supermood project? Do you want to give them access to survey results? Allow them to send surveys to their teams?

  • Will you need training for managers (on how to use the tool, the analysis, or the questioning strategy)?

Defining your questioning strategy

  • What are your biggest challenges this year?

  • In what context are you implementing Supermood?

  • What objective are you trying to achieve with the implementation of Supermood? (e.g. reduce turnover, improve team performance, etc.)

  • What are your success metrics (KPI's)?

  • Have you already implemented an employee feedback process within the company? What was it? What went well and what did not?

Do you have a clear idea of what you want from Supermood? That's great! If not, you can discuss the subject with your Account Manager during your introductory meeting. 👍

In the meantime, you can now move on to the next step: Step 1 - Prepare for deployment

Any doubts or questions? Contact us by e-mail at [email protected] - we will be happy to answer you. 💁‍♀️

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