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API : Result of Questions
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a week ago

Would you like to have all the questions and, above all, the answers recorded by your employees on the Supermood platform? It's possible !
If you're interested, contact your Project Manager to find out more about this service.

Our teams have developed APIs that will enable you to harvest all the data recorded on your account, including data relating to all the questions asked during your various surveys and aggregated results for closed questions. Thanks to these APIs, you'll be able to combine all your data in your own tools.

ℹ️ Technical documentation

Supermood APIs are external HTTP REST APIs. To view the documentation, download the Supermood API Documentation file and simply paste its contents into Swagger Editor.

In this article:

🔎 What is the Questions-Results API?

An API is a set of protocols used to link two pieces of software for an exchange of data and functionality. You can think of it as a group of small blocks that will enable your technical team to build a bridge between your software and Supermood.

In other words, this is what will enable you to retrieve and use all the questions and closed-ended question results on the Supermood platform at your convenience, and adapt them to your needs. The aim of these APIs is to provide you with a list of all the questions asked and their results since you opened your account on the platform.

Bonus: you'll be able to collect a whole range of data quickly and efficiently, and combine it with your own software.

Why use this API?

➤ Do you have several separate accounts with Supermood and need to have a global reading of the results from your different entities ? This is the ideal tool for centralizing all the results on closed questions from your different accounts and getting a global view of all this data.

➤ It allows you to access the history of all your questions and results on closed questions since the creation of your account quickly and efficiently.

➤ Thanks to the API, you can combine the data collected with Supermood with your own in-house data via one of your tools (such as data processing software like Tableau, Qlik or Power BI).

✅ Requirements

To take advantage of the Question Results API, your organization must have:

👉 a digital tool to process the harvested data

👉 a developer to be able to integrate Supermood APIs into your tools from documentation

🧰 Using Supermood APIs

1. Create a service account

On your account, you (or your CIO, for example) will need to go to My Account > Settings > Integrations. Here, on the second panel of the page, create a service account by clicking on the "Add a service account" button, then give it access to the results. This service account will be needed by your development teams.

⚠️ Be sure to record the username and password you are given at this stage - for security reasons, they cannot be retrieved.

2. Develop

Pass on the service account information and the documentation below to your developer, so that he or she can set up the API.

⚠️ Be sure to protect your service account credentials & only transfer them securely: these credentials give access to all your Supermood account data!

Based on the documentation, your developer will set up the necessary integrations to retrieve the answers to your Supermood questions, and store them in your data storage tools.
During this phase, you'll probably need to retrieve your Supermood campaign / survey credentials. If your developer asks for them, you can find them in the URL bar when browsing Supermood (campaign page / survey report).

ℹ️ Technical documentation

Supermood APIs are external HTTP REST APIs. To view the documentation, download the Supermood API Documentation file and simply paste its contents into the Swagger Editor software.

3. Use your data

Once your data has been properly integrated into your storage systems, you'll be able to exploit it by creating the dashboards you want directly in your BI tool! Don't hesitate to enlist the help of your company's Data teams, who will be able to guide you 🚀.

If your teams encounter any problems using our API, please don't hesitate to tell them to contact us at [email protected]! 💁‍♀️

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